Entrepreneurs of Today : How to start your online business?

Okay so heres the scenario. You've got
a bunch of super smart guys, whoz got
their fingers on the nerve called,cash - flow,
and know their worth.
An increasing %age of this generation, have
shunned traditional lifestyle called corporate
life. They've decided that the same lifestyle, 9-5,
suits and ties+deadlines ain't what they grew up for.

Hence you get entrepreneurs starting at the age of
19-20, or else self-styled businessmen, doing
part time while still in college.

Read this exert from usaToday :-

"Employers aren't offering what they want, so the young say
they'll be their own boss and start their own business."
Bureau of Labor Statistics data for 2005 show that some,
370,000 young people ages 16-24 were self-employed,
the occupational category that includes entrepreneurs.
In 1975, when baby boomers were young, some 351,000 were in that category.
While that growth over 30 years isn't striking, indicators suggest,
more change ahead. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects,
the self-employed category will grow 5% from 2004 to 2014,
compared with 2% growth for the decade that began in 1994.

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In terms of online ventures you have webVastra.in.
www.webVastra.in is an IIT Kharagpur, India based E-commerce retail store,
which focuses on providing customized t-shirts to its users.
Customers can log on to the website and choose from various designs,
available on the site and get them printed on t-shirt of their choice.

Such extensive growth of young entrepreneurs is mainly due to the Net.
Cheap infrastructure setup, coupled with simple automation of many,
business processes using online business tools, has given a boost
to business, where sizzling websites don't betray a home-based operation.
Professionalism, home based budgets and global communication/reach at
your fingertips has allowed innovative ideas to transcend into reality.

Setting up an online store and getting affiliate products to sell in your own,
virtual distribution center, is no more a pain in the a**.
Many companies offer such distribution rights to individuals.
Upto 50% commission is paid at www.mysmallbizaffiliates.com,
for their range of excellent online business solutions.
Rich Schefren offers a free affiliate program for his
extensive range of internet business related resources.

Minimal risk, max and fast return is the new mantra.
The concept of business online goes beyond any gender bias as well,
With your virtual store working 24x7 without a hitch.

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The self-employed are considerably more satisfied with their jobs ,
than are other workers. Getting started required taking a risk.
"We were scared out of our minds," Moodie, 23, says. "We realized we're young,
and we may not know everything we need to know, but what do we have to lose?
If the business doesn't work, we'll totally get jobs like everybody else."

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